Saturday, July 21, 2012

Food (And Drink) For Thought

Until this past winter there were few things I looked forward to more than nice meals out and a few cocktails to wash them down. It was my reward for slaving behind a desk all week.

And then, come January, I found out I was pregnant.

The joys of pregnancy aside, my palette took a serious hit. Instead of ordering a much deserved glass of wine at my favorite Friday night hotspot, I found myself reluctantly telling the waitstaff, "Water's good, thanks." It hurt at first. A lot. But after a month or two I got used to it. It helped that I started to feel better physically, not emotionally, mind you. I no longer spent Saturday mornings feeling dehydrated. And the ten extra pounds I'd piled on since college started to disappear.

Looking to console myself emotionally, I decided to brush up on the research around my newfound drinking habit and discovered that approximately two-thirds of Americans don't drink enough water on a daily basis somewhat surprising given that nearly 800 million people worldwide don't even have access to clean drinking water.


Now when I'm at a restaurant at happy hour, I try to remember that I'm doing myself a favor by sipping a tall frosty mug of the clear stuff. And it doesn't hurt that my dinner bill comes in at almost half what it used to.

If you're like me not necessarily with child, I should say but if you find yourself overspending at restaurants or with a few extra post-college pounds that you'd like to get rid of, consider skipping the martini the next time you go out and opt for nature's favorite cocktail: H2O. Your body and wallet will thank you.

Photo Credit (Top): By Jorge Barrios (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons  

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