Sunday, July 22, 2012

Take a Nap

photo by Eric McGregor
I find myself coveting preschool children and their nap time. Those tots don’t appreciate the precious value of a good revitalizing nap— all they want to do is play. Ha. One day they too will long for the days of the hour nap, the comfy cots, the time-out from a hectic day of coloring outside the lines. They don’t know how good they have it.

If your day is anything like mine, then you too are desperately in need of a nap. I’m out of the house from 6am-11pm between work and grad school. When I get home, I can’t just fall asleep because I’m still keyed up from a long day, which means I’m not falling asleep until 12:30. And just as soon as I’ve fallen asleep, it feels like ten minutes later the alarm is ringing at 5:00 am. I’m over worked and tired. I need a nap.

Studies have already shown the benefits of 20-30 min naps. It’s no secret. But when and where can I nap? The when is easy enough. I’m lucky that my schedule allows for 3 hours between work and class. It's enough time to squeeze in a nap in before heading to the computer lab to finish homework. The where is tricky, but here are 4 tried and true places to nap.

The Empty Cubicle (or office) A friend of mine hides in an empty cubicle and naps for 20 mins with headphones during his lunch. The key is to not tell anyone where you are going to avoid interruptions.

The Break Room In bad weather, I’ll stay at work a little late before heading to class and nap in the empty break room. No one is around, and there are comfy chairs in there.

The Car If you are short on time, arrive early to your next pit-stop of the day and nap in the car. Recline the seats, put some soothing music on and nap away.

The Park If you have some time on your hands, pull up a piece of grass. I love being lulled to sleep by the warmth of the sun.

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