Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Saturday of Misfit Chores

The Problem

For six months I've had three bottles of Vaseline Intensive Care lotion sitting on my bathroom hamper. The situation is this: when one bottle almost runs out, I open a new bottle intending to transfer the last couple ounces from the empty to the new bottle.

And then I never do.

I've made it through two whole bottles and I'm about to empty a third.

I know what you're thinking: why don't you just throw away the bottles before you end up on Hoarders?

The problem is I can't. Under normal circumstances I would, but there's something about the pumps in Vaseline Intensive Care lotion. They're too short for their bottles and it leaves a RIDICULOUS amount of lotion at the bottom of the bottle.

When a manufacturer puts a sticker on a bottle of shampoo or lotion that says "33% more free" that 33% is what sits unreachable at the bottom. For some reason I cannot will my mind or body to let it go.

The Solution

I know I'm not the only one with these sorts of tendencies (okay, I hope I'm not the only one with these sorts of tendencies). 

That's why I developed a monthly habit called The Saturday of Misfit Chores. I set aside one Saturday per month to take care of all the little misfit tasks that I push aside the other thirty days of the month in favor of doing easier, more routine things like sweeping, vacuuming, and emptying the dishwasher. On that Saturday I promise myself to refuse the easy chores and finally mend the fallen hems on my work pants, clean out the junk drawer, and yes, kill off the dregs of lotion crowding the bathroom.

It takes a lot of motivation to get started on my designated Saturday, but it's better than staring at three (soon-to-be four) bottles of Vaseline Intensive Care the rest of the month.

Photo Credit:

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