Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Awkward Dinner Party: Part II

In part II of this two-part series I talk about ways to throw a dinner party that your guests might possibly enjoy. Check out my earlier post for tips on how to survive such a party from the guest perspective of things.

First things first: I've never actually thrown a dinner party, so if you'd like to stop reading now I completely understand. However, I have hosted enough Thanksgiving meals for non-family members that I feel justified in offering at least a few tips on keeping twenty-somethings entertained around a dinner table. Here they are:

Ahead of Time

Don't invite every friend you have from every walk of life. Stick to a core group of people who know and like each other, with maybe a twenty percent mix of friends from another circle. Most people find it exhausting telling their abbreviated life stories thirteen times to thirteen people in the course of an evening. This way you'll gradually mix your social circles without making your guests work for it.


Offer your guests drinks as soon as their coats are stashed and they're standing still. From that point forward consider it your job to keep a drink in everyone's hand. The more spirits, the more spirited, as Great Aunt Beatrice used to say...may she rest in peace.


Do not under any circumstances cook anything experimental for a dinner party. Stick to tried and true recipes that are simple. Aim to have food either done or requiring little more than removal from the oven by the time your guests arrive.


If you followed the Ahead-of-Time advice, your guests should be able to entertain themselves with conversation about their common interests/workplace/whatever. If for some reason the coals get a little cool, I recommend introducing games into the mix. Catch Phrase in particular makes a good party game, as it's low maintenance, fast-paced, and will quickly get everyone talking. I'd also put in for Celebrity and Rock Band, both of which will only be enhanced by how "spirited" your guests are.

Finally, try to relax and have a good time yourself. Otherwise, what's the point of having a party?

Hope these help and happy hosting.

Photo Credit: Flickr image courtesy of user Yashima under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license.

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