Saturday, July 14, 2012

Eat With Your Eyes

Just because you're busy doesn't mean you can't eat a beautiful breakfast. Whether it's the weekend or a weekday there are little things you can do to make your morning meal look delicious.

Even if it's just yogurt and granola, think about the dishes you use. For those in big cities, take a look at stores like Fishes Eddy where you can find everything from classic pie plates to unique cutlery for $1. If you put a little work into what you eat off of you'll enjoy the result over and over again.

If you're not near a quirky dish ware store there are other options. Weck jars, are gorgeous, heavy glass canning jars that make for great bowls, pitchers and condiment jars. These are particularly useful for those who will have move in the near future (they hold up well to travel) and you can buy a set of four to six for under 20 bucks. It certainly beats the $40 dish sets at Target.

This can extend to any dish ware and keep in mind it doesn't have to match exactly. Choose a color scheme or pattern and then go a little wild! All you need to have a fun and eclectic kitchen is one unifying element. I chose bold colors and then got everything from ice cream bowls to superhero pint glasses. When you're buying, think about how your food will look on or in it.

Finally, when it comes time to "plate" take a moment to put your food on your plate in an aesthetic way. No need to fuss over it, but even if it is granola, layer it. If it's French toast, stack it in a different way. Just a quick moment to make your food beautiful and make you feel like your meal is special.

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